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By: Y. Mamuk, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, University of Minnesota Medical School

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The inner ear and the cerebellum, by means of this tract, facilitate the activity of the extensor muscles and inhibit the activity of the flexor muscles in association with the maintenance of balance. Although distinct tracts Intersegmental Tracts 161 Cerebral cortex Globus pallidus Red nucleus Descending tracts from higher centers Inferior olivary nucleus Ascending spino-olivary tract Olivospinal tract in anterior white column of spinal cord Lower motor neuron Figure 4-26 Olivospinal tract. There is now considerable doubt as to the existence of this tract as a separate pathway. The fibers arise from neurons in the higher centers and cross the midline in the brainstem. They are believed to descend in the lateral white column of the spinal cord and to terminate by synapsing on the autonomic motor cells in the lateral gray columns in the thoracic and upper lumbar (sympathetic outflow) and midsacral (parasympathetic) levels of the spinal cord. A summary of the main descending pathways in the spinal cord is shown in Table 4-4. The function of these pathways is to interconnect the neurons of different segmental levels, and the pathways are particularly important in intersegmental spinal reflexes. Control sympathetic and parasympathetic systems Primary motor cortex (area 4), secondary motor cortex (area 6), parietal lobe (areas 3, 1, and 2) Reticular formation Most cross at decussation of pyramids and descend as lateral corticospinal tracts; some continue as anterior corticospinal tracts and cross over at level of destination Some cross at various levels Internuncial neurons or alpha motor neurons Cerebral cortex, basal nuclei, red nucleus, olivary nuclei, reticular formation Alpha and gamma motor neurons Multiple branches as they descend Superior colliculus Soon after origin Alpha and gamma motor neurons Inferior olivary nuclei Cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, amygdaloid complex, reticular formation Cross in brainstem Alpha and gamma motor neurons Sympathetic and parasympathetic outflows - - a Note that the corticospinal tracts are believed to control the prime mover muscles (especially the highly skilled movements), whereas the other descending tracts are important in controlling the simple basic movements. In its simplest form, a reflex arc consists of the following anatomical structures: (1) a receptor organ, (2) an afferent neuron, (3) an effector neuron, and (4) an effector organ. A reflex arc involving only one synapse is referred to as a monosynaptic reflex arc. Interruption of the reflex arc at any point along its course would abolish the response. In the spinal cord, reflex arcs play an important role in maintaining muscle tone, which is the basis for body posture. The cell body of the afferent neuron is located in the posterior root ganglion, and the central axon of this first-order neuron terminates by synapsing on the effector neuron. Since the afferent fibers are of large diameter and are rapidly conducting and because of the presence of only one synapse, a very quick response is possible. Reflex Arc 163 A Reticulospinal fibers Reticulospinal fibers Vestibulospinal, olivospinal, and tectospinal fibers Proprioceptive information ascending to consciousness in posterior white column Corticospinal fibers Sensory afferent fiber Gamma efferent fiber Neuromuscular spindle Renshaw feedback neuron Alpha efferent fiber of lower motor neuron-the final common pathway B Motor end-plate Figure 4-27 A: A monosynaptic reflex arc. Physiologic study of the electrical activity of the effector neuron shows that following the very quick monosynaptic discharge,there is a prolonged asynchronous discharge. The reason for this later discharge is that the afferent fibers entering the spinal cord frequently branch, and the branches synapse with many internuncial neurons, which ultimately synapse with the effector neuron. These additional neuronal circuits prolong the bombardment of the effector neurons after the initial stimulation by the afferent neuron has ceased. The presence of internuncial neurons also results in the spread of the afferent stimulus to neurons at different segmental levels of the spinal cord. In considering reflex skeletal muscle activity, it is important to understand the law of reciprocal inner- vation. Simply stated, it means that the flexor and extensor reflexes of the same limb cannot be made to contract simultaneously. For this law to work, the afferent nerve fibers responsible for flexor reflex muscle action must have branches that synapse with the extensor motor neurons of the same limb, causing them to be inhibited.

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Here 714x treatment for cancer buy 200 mg pirfenex overnight delivery, the fibers synapse medicine 906 cheap 200 mg pirfenex free shipping, and the parasympathetic nerves travel through the third cranial nerve to the ciliary ganglion in the orbit medications memory loss order pirfenex 200mg otc. Finally symptoms breast cancer best purchase for pirfenex, postganglionic parasympathetic fibers pass through the short ciliary nerves to the ciliary muscle and the constrictor pupillae muscle of the iris. Corneal Reflex Light touching of the cornea or conjunctiva results in blinking of the eyelids. Afferent impulses from the cornea or conjunctiva travel through the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve to the sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. Internuncial neurons connect with the Main sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve Trigeminal sensory ganglion Ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve Cornea Medial longitudinal fasciculus Facial nerve Main motor nucleus of facial nerve Orbicularis oculi A Optic nerve Optic chiasma Optic tract Lateral geniculate body Tectobulbar and tectospinal tracts Superior colliculus Motor nuclei of cranial nerves B Motor neuron of anterior gray column of spinal cord Figure 11-4 A: Corneal reflex. The facial nerve and its branches supply the orbicularis oculi muscle, which causes closure of the eyelids. Here,they synapse in the ciliary ganglion, and postganglionic fibers pass through the short ciliary nerves to the constrictor pupillae of the iris and the ciliary muscles. The accessory parasympathetic nucleus receives corticonuclear fibers for the accommodation reflex and fibers from the pretectal nucleus for the direct and consensual light reflexes. Visual Body Reflexes the automatic scanning movements of the eyes and head that are made when reading, the automatic movement of the eyes, head, and neck toward the source of the visual stimulus,and the protective closing of the eyes and even the raising of the arm for protection are reflex actions that involve the following reflex arcs. The visual impulses follow the optic nerves, optic chiasma, and optic tracts to the superior colliculi. Here,the impulses are relayed to the tectospinal and tectobulbar (tectonuclear) tracts and to the neurons of the anterior gray columns of the spinal cord and cranial motor nuclei. Course of the Oculomotor Nerve the oculomotor nerve emerges on the anterior surface of the midbrain. It passes forward between the posterior cerebral and the superior cerebellar arteries. It then continues into the middle cranial fossa in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus. Here, it divides into a superior and an inferior ramus, which enter the orbital cavity through the superior orbital fissure. The oculomotor nerve supplies the following extrinsic muscles of the eye: the levator palpebrae superioris,superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique. It also supplies, through its branch to the ciliary ganglion and the short ciliary nerves, parasympathetic nerve fibers to the following intrinsic muscles: the constrictor pupillae of the iris and ciliary muscles. Therefore, the oculomotor nerve is entirely motor and is responsible for lifting the upper eyelid; turning the eye upward, downward, and medially; constricting the pupil; and accommodating the eye. Pupillary Skin Reflex the pupil will dilate if the skin is painfully stimulated by pinching. The afferent sensory fibers are believed to have connections with the efferent preganglionic sympathetic neurons in the lateral gray columns of the first and second thoracic segments of the spinal cord. The white rami communicantes of these segments pass to the sympathetic trunk, and the preganglionic fibers ascend to the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. The postganglionic fibers pass through the internal carotid plexus and the long ciliary nerves to the dilator pupillae muscle of the iris. Trochlear Nerve Nucleus the trochlear nucleus is situated in the anterior part of the gray matter that surrounds the cerebral aqueduct of the midbrain. It lies inferior to the oculomotor nucleus at the level of the inferior colliculus. The nerve fibers, after leaving the nucleus, pass posteriorly around the central gray matter to reach the posterior surface of the midbrain. The trochlear nucleus receives corticonuclear fibers from both cerebral hemispheres. It receives the tectobulbar fibers, which connect it to the visual cortex through the superior colliculus. It also receives fibers from the medial longitudinal fasciculus, by which it is connected to the nuclei of the third, sixth, and eighth cranial nerves. Oculomotor Nerve Nuclei the oculomotor nerve has two motor nuclei: (1) the main motor nucleus and (2) the accessory parasympathetic nucleus.

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