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By: U. Gamal, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Morehouse School of Medicine

In general who pain treatment guidelines order discount maxalt on-line, males are at a higher risk than females achilles tendon pain treatment exercises order 10mg maxalt with visa, and the risk increases with age leg pain treatment natural discount maxalt online visa. Though it can 1283 Malignant lymphoma strike people as young as 40 homeopathic pain treatment for dogs buy 10mg maxalt fast delivery, people between the ages of 60 and 69 are at the highest risk. For example, an increased incidence of lymphomas has been seen in survivors of the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima, and in people who have undergone aggressive radiation therapy. People who suffer from immune-deficient disorders, as well as those who have been treated with immune-suppressive drugs for heart or kidney transplants, and for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases, are at an increased risk for this disease. Patients may experience loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and indigestion. The patient may complain of a feeling of fullness, which is a result of enlarged lymph nodes in the abdomen. In the advanced stages, the patient may have bone pain, headaches, constant coughing, and abnormal pressure and congestion in the face, neck, and upper chest. In most cases, patients go to the doctor because of the presence of swollen glands in the neck, armpits, or groin area. Since all the symptoms are common to many other illnesses, it is essential to seek medical attention if any of the conditions persist for two weeks or more. Only a qualified physician can correctly diagnose if the symptoms are due to lymphoma or some other ailment. A biopsy (microscopic tissue analysis) of the enlarged lymph node is the most definitive way to diagnose a lymphoma. Once the exact form of lymphoma is known, it is then staged to determine how aggressive it is, and how far it has spread. During this procedure, a cylindrical piece of bone-generally from the hip-and marrow fluid are removed. Biopsies may also be repeated during treatment to see how the lymphoma is responding to therapy. In this procedure, a special dye, called contrast medium, is injected into the lymphatic channels through a small incision (cut) made in each foot. In rare cases a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) is performed to see if malignant cells are in the fluid that surrounds the brain. In this test, the physician inserts a needle into the epidural space at the base of the spine and collects a small amount of spinal fluid for microscopic examination. Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and guided imagery may be useful tools in treating the pain of lymphomas. Acupuncture uses a series of thin needles placed in the skin at targeted locations known as acupoints; in theory, this harmonizes the energy flow within the body, and may help improve immune system function. In guided imagery, patients create pleasant and soothing mental images that promote relaxation and improve their ability to cope with discomfort and pain. Once the pain is visualized, patients can adjust the image to make it more pleasing, and thus more manageable. Herbal remedies, such as Chinese herbs and mushroom extracts, may also lessen pain and promote relaxation and healing. There are no screening tests available, and, since the symptoms are nonspecific, lymphomas are rarely recognized in their early stages. When the doctor suspects lymphoma, a thorough physical examination is performed and a complete medical history taken. Blood tests will determine the 1284 Malignant lymphoma tive in the treatment of nausea caused by chemotherapy, and others, such as astragalus, help build the immune system. Depending on the preparation and the type of herb, the remedies may interfere with other prescribed medications. Proper nutrition and some specialized diets may help in recovering from lymphomas. Researchers are exploring whether these cells can be used to restore the normal function and development of blood cells, rather than using a bone marrow transplant. When all the different types and stages of lymphoma are considered together, only 50% of patients survive five years or more after initial diagnosis.


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