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By: B. Thorus, MD

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The three principal classes of neurons are defined by the number of processes emanating from their cell bodies infection red line up arm buy ciplox 500 mg with mastercard. Most are multipolar neurons antibiotic weight gain purchase 500 mg ciplox with mastercard, with more than two processes bacteria definition purchase 500mg ciplox otc, or extensions from the cell body (see Figures 4 antibiotic 200 mg buy generic ciplox pills. One of these is the axon, and the others are dendrites extending from various parts of the cell body. Monopolar neurons have a single or unipolar process, and do not have dendrites originating directly from the cell body or soma (see Figure 4. Neurons with short axons are called interneurons; they integrate neural activity within a specific brain region. As noted earlier, gray matter is typically found on the surface of the cerebral cortex, in the center of the spinal cord, and on large subcortical nuclei. The presence of nuclei in the brain is important to neuropsychologists because nuclei often signal strategic clusters of neuronal cell bodies. Vital integration of neuronal information may be occurring at a specific neuroanatomic location. The precise role of any one nucleus is, however, difficult to delineate, because the dendrites and axons may extend for a considerable distance outside of the boundary of the nucleus. In addition, some nuclei consist of different neurons with different neurotransmitters from other neurons, which increases the complexity. In some cases, it may be more useful to conceptualize function according to neuronal regions or networks rather than by nuclei. Nevertheless, mapping and identifying specific nuclei in the brain continues to occupy brain scientists. The term glia (derived from Greek gliok, meaning "nerve glue") comes from an old notion that glial cells offer purely structural support to neurons. They help support neurons by physically and chemically buffering them from each other, and they supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons to support their very high metabolic rate, because neurons cannot store their own nutrients. Some glial cells act as housekeepers, metabolizing and removing the carcasses of neurons destroyed by injury or disease, and as discussed earlier, certain glial cells form the protective myelin sheath around axons. The primary glands; sensory neurons respond directly to changes in light, touch, temperature, odor, and so on. The majority of neurons are interneurons, or "between" neurons, because they receive input from and send output to other neurons. Neurons are organized in collective structures; that is, behavior arises from the firing of many neurons, not a single neuron. The three major types of fibers all primarily consist of myelinated axons that appear as white matter: 1. Anatomists often discuss pathways by the direction of the projection and the systems they connect (England & Wakely, 1991). For example, the corticostriatal pathway is where fibers connect cortical areas to the striatum. Likewise, the hypothalamocerebellar tract projects from the hypothalamus to the cerebellum. Glia cells are of special interest to neurologists and neurosurgeons because they are the site of the principal tumors of the brain and spinal cord. Of tumors that invade the brain, the most prevalent arise from glial cells and are termed gliomas. Astrocytes respond to brain injury by swelling or proliferating to fill a damaged space. These cells perform a vital function in wrapping the nerve cell with a lipid layer of myelin and increasing the speed with which a neuron conducts its impulse along an axon. Schwann cells myelinate only a single segment of one cell, whereas oligodendrocytes may myelinate several segments of the same axon or several different axons. Astrocytes are fibrous, star-shaped cells (derived from Latin astra, meaning "star") with many small "feet" or processes that interpose themselves between neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, and the vasculature providing structural support. This wrapping of blood vessels keeps large molecules out and permits only restricted transfer of soluble material between blood and brain.

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  • Taste problems
  • Shortening of the leg, or legs of unequal length
  • Burning
  • Membranoproliferative GN I
  • Kidney and liver function tests
  • Holes (necrosis) in the skin or tissues underneath
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Heart attack, or any disease of the heart that weakens or stiffens the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)
  • Loud music (some concerts) is around 80 - 120 dB
  • Mastectomy to remove all breast tissue may be done if the area of cancer is too large to remove without deforming the breast.