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By: K. Elber, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Micrograph shows migrating neurons labeled with an antibody to neuregulin treatment brown recluse bite 1mg finax with visa, specific for migrating cortical neurons symptoms esophageal cancer purchase finax in india. Migrating neurons are intimately apposed to radial glial cells medicine urinary tract infection buy genuine finax line, which guide them to their final position in the cortex 4 medications list cheap finax 1 mg without prescription. Some cells take a nonradial migratory route, which can lead to wide dispersion of neurons derived from the same precursor (see Box F). Cell adhesion and other signaling molecules or receptors found on the surface of either the neuron (green) or the radial glial process (tan) are indidated in the respective boxes. Relatively little is known about the specific messages that neurons receive as they migrate in the central nervous system. It is apparent, however, that moving through a changing cellular environment has important consequence for the differentiation of neurons. Such effects are most thoroughly documented in the migration of neural crest cells, where the migratory paths of precursor cells are related to both the ultimate position in the body and neuronal identity. The distinct signals along these pathways can be secreted molecules (including some of the peptide hormones used at earlier times for neural induction), cell surface ligands and receptors (adhesion molecules and other signals), or extracellular matrix molecules (see Chapter 22). These signals are made available from somites, visceral epithelial structures like the developing dorsal aorta, mesodermally derived mesenchymal cells, and the neural crest cells themselves. Early Brain Development 523 Of particular significance is the fact that specific peptide hormone growth factors cause neural crest cells to differentiate into distinct phenotypes (Figure 21. These effects depend on the location of the neuronal precursor cell along a migratory pathway, different signals being available at different points. Such position-dependent cues are probably not restricted to the peripheral nervous system; in the cerebellum, for example, different patterns of genes are expressed in migrating granule neurons at different locations, implying the existence of different signals (as yet unknown) along the migratory path. Thus, neuronal migration involves much more than the mechanics of moving cells from one place to another. The establishment of each precursor type relies on signals provided by one of several specific peptide hormones. For example, if a neuron was found in the thalamus, cerebellum, or cerebral cortex in the adult brain, it most likely came from a neural progenitor cell in the embryonic brain region that gave rise to the thalamus, cerebellum, or cerebral cortex. The identification of rhombomeres and subsequent evidence that these domains are compartments between which little mixing of cells occurs reinforced this notion. Nevertheless, a few observations hinted that all neurogenesis might not be local, and eventually led to a new idea of how neuronal classes in a variety of brain regions are integrated into mature structures and circuits. The initial indication of this tendency for subsets of neurons to wander came in the late 1960s with a report that neurons in the pulvinar, a thalamic nucleus assumed to be derived from the diencephalon, were actually generated in the telencephalon. Most of these extrinsic cells were thought to migrate from the mesencephalon (associated with the generation of the superior and inferior colliculus in the adult brain) into the external granule cell layer of the cerebellum. Together, these findings implied that adult brain structures might be derived from a broad range of embryonic brain subdivisions. Around the same time, several investigators noticed a small but consistent proportion of cells in the cerebral cortex whose migratory route was apparently tangential rather than radial (via radial glial guides). These observations were the focus of a lively debate that nevertheless failed to explain the significance of the apparent "escapees" from the radial migration framework in the developing cortex. Moreover, lineage analysis suggested that cortical projection neurons, interneurons, astrocytes and oligodendroglia were probably not derived from the same precursor pools. There was little consensus about these disparate observations until the mid 1990s when several groups realized that there was a massive migration of cells from the ventral forebrain-the region of the ganglionic eminence that gives rise to the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus- to the cerebral cortex (Figure A). Newly generated granule and periglomular interneurons in the mature olfactory bulb are derived from a remnant of the ganglionic eminence called the anterior subventricular zone, which persists at the surface of the mature lateral ventricles. A mosaic of transcriptional regulators whose expression and activity is restricted to various domains in the ventral forebrain orchestrates this long distance migration of distinct cell types (Figure B).

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Ethanol treatment bronchitis buy generic finax 1 mg line, for example medicine 2355 order 1 mg finax amex, cannot be identified until its concentration reaches approximately 2 mM symptoms hypothyroidism buy finax discount. Small changes in molecular structure can also lead to large perceptual differences: the molecule D-carvone smells like caraway seeds medicine everyday therapy order discount finax, whereas L-carvone smells like spearmint. Since the number of odorants is very large, there have been several attempts to classify them in groups. The most widely used classification was developed in the 1950s by John Amoore, who divided odors into categories based on their perceived quality, molecular structure, and the fact that some people, called anosmics, have difficulty smelling one or another group. Amoore classified odorants as pungent, floral, musky, earthy, ethereal, camphor, peppermint, ether, and putrid; these categories are still used to describe odors, to study the cellular mechanisms of olfactory transduction, and to discuss the central representation of olfactory information. A further complication in rationalizing the perception of odors is that their quality may change with concentration. For example, at low concentrations indole has a floral odor, whereas at higher concentrations it smells putrid. Molecules perceived at low concentrations are more lipid-soluble, whereas those with higher thresholds are more water-soluble. Thus, coconuts, violets, cucumbers, and bell peppers all have a unique odor generated by a specific molecule. Most naturally occurring odors, however, are blends of several odorant molecules, even though they are typically experienced as a single smell (such as the perceptions elicited by perfumes or the bouquet of a wine). Psychologists and neurologists have developed a variety of tests that measure the ability to detect common odors. Although most people are able to consistently identify a broad range of test odorants, others fail to identify one or more common smells (Figure 14. Such chemosensory deficits, called anosmias, are often restricted to a single odorant, suggesting that a specific element in the olfactory system, either an olfactory receptor gene (see below) or genes that control expression or function of a specific odorant receptor gene, is inactivated. Nevertheless, genetic analysis of anosmic individuals has yet to confirm this possibility. About 1 person in 1000 is insensitive to butyl mercaptan, the foul-smelling odorant released by skunks. When subjects are presented with seven common odors (a test frequently used by neurologists), the vast majority of "normal" individuals can identify all seven odors correctly (in this case, baby powder, chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, mothballs, peanut butter, and soap). In this example, individuals previously identified as anosmics were presented with the same battery of odors, only a few could identify all of the odors (less than 15%), and more than half could not identify any of the odors. Although the loss of human olfactory sensitivity is not usually a source of great concern, it can diminish the enjoyment of food and, if severe, can affect the ability to identify and respond appropriately to potentially dangerous odors such as spoiled food, smoke, or natural gas. Furthermore, the decline in olfactory ability with age mentioned above is matched by a decline in the level of activity in olfactory regions of the aging human brain. The ability to identify 80 common odorants declines markedly between 20 and 70 years of age. Examples are the visceral motor responses to the aroma of appetizing food (salivation and increased gastric motility) or to a noxious smell (gagging and, in extreme cases, vomiting). Women housed in single-sex dormitories, for instance, have menstrual cycles that tend to be synchronized, a phenomenon that appears to be mediated by olfaction. Volunteers exposed to gauze pads from the underarms of women at different stages of their menstrual cycles also tend to experience synchronized menses, and this synchronization can be disrupted by exposure to gauze pads from men. In other animals, including many mammals, species-specific odorants called pheromones play important roles in behavior, by influencing social, reproductive, and parenting behaviors (Box A). Thus, it is unlikely that human pheromone perception, if it exists, is mediated by the vomeronasal system, as is the case in other mammals. Nevertheless, recent observations suggest that exposure to androgen and estrogen-like compounds at concentrations below the level of conscious detection can elicit both behavioral responses and different patterns of brain activation in adult female and male human subjects (Figure 14. Thus, although most humans do not process pheromones by the vomeronasal system, other olfactory structures can evidently detect signals that may affect reproductive and other behaviors.

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