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By: B. Hatlod, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Associate Professor, TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine

A midshaft fracture of the humerus can cause injury to the structures found in the radial groove blood sugar medicine 5 mg micronase amex, which are the radial nerve and the deep brachial artery blood glucose levels during pregnancy order micronase 5mg visa. Radial nerve injury results in "wrist drop diabetes diet guide micronase 2.5 mg otc," an inability to extend the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints of all digits diabetes type 1 risk factors 5mg micronase overnight delivery. The long thoracic nerve innervates the serratus anterior muscle, and can be damaged in breast surgery through injury to the axilla or lateral wall of the thorax. The result is a "winged scapula," or protrusion of the scapula from the back when the person pushes forward against resistance. The axillary nerve is damaged by injury to the surgical neck of the humerus or by anterior dislocation of the shoulder. It innervates the deltoid muscles, of which the middle fibers along with the supraspinatus are responsible for arm abduction. Motor deficits include weakness in abduction and adduction of fingers, adduction of the thumb, and extension of fingers (resulting in "claw hand"). The median nerve is damaged by injury to the distal end of the humerus in the supracondylar area. Median nerve injury results in the inability to flex fingers and abduct and oppose the thumb, as well as pain or paresthesia over the palmar side of the thumb, index, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. Similar changes are seen with carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is compressed between the flexor tendons and the flexor retinaculum. Of the choices, the teres minor is innervated by the axillary nerve (C5, C6) and therefore likely to be paralyzed in this patient. The flexor carpi ulnaris is innervated by the ulnar nerve (C7, C8) and is not affected in an Erb palsy. The flexor digitorum superficialis is innervated by the median nerve (C7, C8, T1) and is not affected in an Erb palsy. The latissimus dorsi is innervated by the thoracodorsal nerve (C6, C7, C8) and is not affected in an Erb palsy. This patient is suffering from cluster headaches, which are repetitive headaches that occur for weeks to months at a time, with intervening periods of remission. Men are affected more than women, with a peak incidence in persons 25-50 years old. Attacks begin without any prodromal symptoms (such as the vision changes characteristic of migraines), typically around the eye or temple, and are excruciating. They are always unilateral and may last for minutes to hours, with a mean duration of 45 minutes. In contrast to patients with migraines, who prefer remaining in a dark, quiet room, cluster headache patients typically prefer to stay active. Treatment can be difficult because of the short duration of symptoms, but effective options include oxygen, intranasal lidocaine, and triptans. Prophylaxis may consist of treatment with prednisone, verapamil, or methysergide for one-two months. Medication-overuse headaches are secondary to excessive use of analgesics and may occur in patients who have tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. The diagnosis should be considered in patients who have frequent or daily headaches despite the use of medications. Although this patient is taking over-the-counter medications, the peri- odicity of the headaches precludes the regular administration of analgesics, which would be necessary for the consideration of this diagnosis. Migraine headaches are typically preceded by prodromal symptoms and can also be bilateral in nature. Effective treatment involves use of triptans as an abortive agent and b-blockers for prophylaxis. A headache induced by temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome frequently presents with unilateral ear or auricular pain radiating to the jaw. The pain is deep and continuous, is most severe in the morning, and can be associated with jaw dysfunction.

Psychostimulants Amphetamines diabetic diet sample generic micronase 2.5 mg amex, Methylphenidate diabetes diet chart xls buy micronase with visa, Modafinil diabetes type 2 blood sugar level best order for micronase, Pemoline diabetes symptoms glucose in urine cheap micronase 2.5 mg otc, Cocaine, Caffeine. One of the sites that has been clearly demonstrated is the Renshaw cell-motoneurone junction in the spinal cord through which inhibition of antagonistic muscles is achieved. The convulsions are accompanied by vomiting, respiratory and vasomotor stimulation. Though regarded as a medullary stimulant, it has little selectivity in site of action. Strychnine It is an alkaloid form the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica, and a potent convulsant. It has been labelled as a spinal convulsant because the dose producing convulsions is the same in spinal and intact animals; actually it stimulates the whole cerebrospinal axis. Low doses cause excitation, larger doses produce convulsions which are similar in pattern to those caused by picrotoxin. It is the most commonly used convulsant for testing anticonvulsant drugs in laboratory animals (see Ch. Both produce increase in mental activity at doses which have little action on other central and peripheral functions. Methylphenidate is considered superior to amphetamine for hyperkinetic children (attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder) because it causes lesser tachycardia and growth retardation. It can also be used for concentration and attention defect in adults, and for narcolepsy, but should not be employed to treat depression, dementia, obesity or to keep awake. These are drugs which stimulate respiration and can have resuscitative value in coma or fainting. Mechanical support to respiration and other measures to improve circulation are more effective and safe. Situations in which they may be employed are: (a) As an expedient measure in hypnotic drug poisoning untill mechanical ventilation is instituted. The overall utility of analeptics is dubious; given in coma they are not active except in near convulsive doses. Modafinil It is a recently introduced psychostimulant that is getting popular with night-shift (call centre) workers and other professionals who want to improve alertness and keep awake. It is claimed to increase attention span and improve accuracy compromized by fatigue and sleepiness. The approved indications are day-time sleepiness due to narcolepsy, sleepapnoea syndrome and shift-work sleep disorder. It has also been found to reduce euphoria produced by cocaine and to suppress cocaine withdrawal symptoms; is being evaluated as a drug to reduce relapse of cocaine dependence. Pemoline has been used in attention deficithyperkinetic disorder, narcolepsy and excessive day-time sleepiness, with benefits and side effects similar to methylphenidate. Migraine: Caffeine is used in combination with ergotamine for treatment of an attack. It appears to benefit by augmenting constriction of cranial vessels by its direct action and by enhancing absorption of ergotamine form the. Pharmacokinetics Caffeine has poor water solubility; is rapidly but irregularly absorbed after oral administration. It is < 50% bound to plasma proteins, distributed all over the body; volume of distribution is 0.

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Renal Atheroembolism Usually arises when aortic angiography or surgery causes cholesterol embolization of small renal vessels diabetes test bristol order micronase with mastercard. Should be suspected when renal function does not improve 1 week after radiocontrast exposure with presumed contrast nephropathy diabetes diet nutrition care manual micronase 2.5mg free shipping. Renal Vein Thrombosis this occurs in a variety of settings blood glucose yogurt discount micronase 5mg free shipping, including pregnancy diabetes mellitus questions with rationale 5mg micronase for sale, oral contraceptive use, trauma, nephrotic syndrome (especially membranous nephropathy, see Chap. Suggestive clinical features include onset of hypertension 30 or 50 years of age, abdominal or femoral bruits, hypokalemic alkalosis, moderate to severe retinopathy, acute onset of hypertension or malignant hypertension, and hypertension resistant to medical therapy. In pts with normal renal function and hypertension, the captopril (or enalaprilat) renogram may be used. Surgical revascularization appears to be superior for ostial lesions characteristic of atherosclerosis. The relative efficacy of surgery compared with angioplasty (especially with stenting) for fibromuscular dysplasia or for nonocclusive, nonostial atherosclerotic disease is unclear. Angioplasty (with or without stenting) tends to be most effective for mid-vessel or more distal lesions. Revascularization with the goal of preservation of renal function is sometimes entertained. Angioplasty is less often successful than for fibromuscular dysplasia, although stenting may offer the potential for better "noninvasive" results. Whether with surgical or angiographic intervention, it appears that kidneys 8 cm in size are unlikely to recover substantial renal function. The use of aspirin and lipid-lowering agents is advisable in pts with evidence of renovascular disease, regardless of revascularization options. Scleroderma May cause sudden oliguric renal failure and severe hypertension due to smallvessel occlusion in previously stable pts. Arteriolar Nephrosclerosis Persistent hypertension causes arteriosclerosis of the renal arterioles and loss of renal function (nephrosclerosis). Agressive control of the bp can usually halt or reverse the deterioration of renal function, and some pts have a return of renal function to near normal. Plasmapheresis may be of benefit; prognosis for recovery of renal function is generally poor. Treatment consists of bed rest, sedation, control of neurologic manifestations with magnesium sulfate, control of hypertension with vasodilators and other antihypertensive agents proved safe in pregnancy, and delivery of the infant. Sickle Cell Nephropathy the hypertonic and relatively hypoxic renal medulla coupled with slow blood flow in the vasa recta favors sickling. Stone formation begins when urine becomes supersaturated with insoluble components due to (1) low volume, (2) excessive excretion of selected compounds, or (3) other factors (e. Approximately 75% of stones are Ca-based (the majority are Ca oxalate; also Ca phosphate and other mixed stones), 15% struvite (magnesiumammonium-phosphate), 5% uric acid, and 1% cystine, depending on the metabolic disturbance(s) from which they arise. Signs and Symptoms Stones in the renal pelvis may be asymptomatic or cause hematuria alone; with passage, obstruction may occur at any site along the collecting system. Obstruction related to the passing of a stone leads to severe pain, often radiating to the groin, sometimes accompanied by intense visceral symptoms. Ca oxalate stones may also form due to (1) a deficiency of urinary citrate, an inhibitor of stone formation that is underexcreted with metabolic acidosis; and (2) hyperuricosuria (see below). Struvite stones form in the collecting system when infection with urea-splitting organisms is present. Uric acid stones develop when the urine is saturated with uric acid in the presence of dehydration and an acid urine pH. Hyperuricosuria without hyperuricemia may be seen in association with certain drugs (e. Cystine stones are the result of a rare inherited defect of renal and intestinal transport resulting in overexcretion of cystine. Workup Although some have advocated a complete workup after a first stone episode, others would defer that evaluation until there has been evidence of recurrence or if there is no obvious cause (e. Table 148-1 outlines a reasonable workup for an outpatient with an uncomplicated kidney stone. Stone analysis is advisable, especially for pts with more complex presentations or recurrent disease. Table 148-2 outlines stone-specific therapies for pts with complex or recurrent nephrolithiasis. It is preponderant in women (pelvic tumors), elderly men (prostatic disease), diabetic pts (papillary necrosis), pts with neurologic diseases (spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis, with neurogenic bladder), or in individuals with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy or fibrosis, vesicoureteral reflux, nephrolithiasis, or other causes of functional urinary retention (e.

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Of this about 40% is bound to plasma proteins-chiefly albumin; 10% is complexed with citrate blood glucose test meter glucocard 01-mini micronase 2.5mg otc, phosphate and carbonate in an undissociable form; the remaining (about 50%) is ionized and physiologically important diabetes prevention and management cookbook purchase genuine micronase online. For example diabetes type 2 young micronase 2.5mg free shipping, in hypoalbuminemia blood sugar 97 after eating buy cheap micronase 2.5mg online, total plasma calcium may be low but the concentration of Ca2+ ion is usually normal. Acidosis favours and alkalosis disfavours ionization of calcium: hyperventilation precipitates tetany and laryngospasm in calcium deficiency by reducing ionization. Calcium turnover Major fraction of calcium in the bone is stored as crystalline hydroxyapatite deposited on the organic bone matrix osteoid, while a small labile pool is in dynamic equilibrium with plasma. Diet, exercise, several hormones and drugs regulate the number and efficiency of bone remodeling units at any given time. Remodeling deficits accumulate over life-time to account for age related bone loss, the pace of which can be retarded or accelerated by modulating the above listed influences. All ionized calcium is filtered at the glomerulus and most of it is reabsorbed in the tubules. About 300 mg of endogenous calcium is excreted daily: half in urine and half in faeces. Because normally only 1/3rd of ingested calcium is absorbed, the dietary allowance for calcium is 0. However, calcium deficiency and low dietary calcium increases fractional calcium absorption. Calcium chloride (27% Ca): is freely water soluble but highly irritating-tissue necrosis occurs if it is injected. Phytates, phosphates, oxalates and tetracyclines complex Ca2+ in an insoluble form in the intestines and interfere with absorption. As dietary supplement especially in growing children, pregnant, lactating and menopausal Calcium supplement can reduce bone loss in predisposed women as well as men. It is often given to fracture patients, but if diet is adequate this does not accelerate healing. While several studies have reported a reduction in fracture risk, others have found no benefit. MacCallum 328 Hormones and Related Drugs Section 5 action on tubules and calcium excretion in urine is actually increased. Moreover, birth rate of bone remodeling units into which osteoclasts are recruited is enhanced. Formation of the remodeling pit is followed by osteoblastic deposition of new bone into it. Hypoparathyroidism Manifestations are: Low plasma calcium levels, tetany, convulsions, laryngospasm, paresthesias, cataract and psychiatric changes. However, grossly increased plasma calcium level occurring in hyperparathyroidism overrides the direct Chapter 24 Parathyroid Hormone 329. A bone resorption pit is dug out by secretion of acid and proteolytic acid hydrolases. Calcitonin directly inhibits osteoclast function and probably enhances osteoblastic new bone formation. When this is not possible-low calcium, high phosphate diet with plenty of fluids is advised. Teriparatide is the only agent which stimulates bone formation, whereas the other two only check bone resorption. Parathyroids, thymus and cells of medullary carcinoma of thyroid also contain calcitonin. Synthesis and secretion of calcitonin is regulated by plasma Ca2+ concentration itself: rise in plasma Ca2+ increases, while fall in plasma Ca2+ decreases calcitonin release. However, the physiological role of calcitonin in regulating plasma Ca2+ appears to be minor. Calcitonin inhibits proximal tubular calcium and phosphate reabsorption by direct action on kidney. Preparation and unitage Synthetic salmon calcitonin is used clinically, because it is more potent due to slower metabolism. Adverse effects experienced are nausea, flushing, tingling of fingers, bad taste and allergic reaction.