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By: T. Arokkh, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Medical Instructor, University of Tennessee College of Medicine

Preparing Instructional Objectives: A critical tool in the development of effective instruction cholesterol in green eggs buy generic ezetimibe 10 mg online. Guides in planning cholesterol test lab buy ezetimibe with a mastercard, delivery and evaluation of instruction cholesterol medication drinking alcohol purchase 10mg ezetimibe with mastercard, helps direct the learners to know what is expected of them cholesterol reducing food chart cheap ezetimibe master card, prioritizes and values some content over others, provides a template for tests and other evaluation tools, and helps make teaching more focused and organized 3. Most faculty have not received training in 37 Turner, Palazzi, Ward curriculum development or instructional design and tend to stumble along, utilizing the examples set forth by their predecessors. Curriculum is that which is taught, and instruction is the method used to teach the curriculum. Luann Wilkerson, a medical educator, defines curriculum as "a series of events and materials undertaken by learners for the purpose of acquiring specific competencies. Over the last few decades, there has been a shift in medical education from teacher-centered to learner-centered curricula. In this conventional model of teaching, the student tends to take a passive role in the learning process (like a tourist), and the teacher is viewed as the expert dispenser of knowledge (tour guide). In a student centered model, the student is an active participant in the learning process, while the teacher functions as a facilitator of learning. Kenneth Roberts, has been used to describe the organization of educational experiences. G = goals N = needs assessment O = objectives M = methods E = evaluation the educational design process can be compared to patient care. The needs assessment in teaching is the process of gathering information about the gap between what the learners already know and what they should know. If you compare this to patient care, it is similar to the history and physical examination. The needs assessment in patient care allows you to broaden your differential diagnosis and look at the problem from many different angles. The more you know about your learners and their problems, the more effective your teaching. The patient could use a variety of methods to achieve this objective, avoiding sweetened drinks, decreasing the volume of food intake, or increasing the amount of exercise. The teacher also has a variety of methods to use to promote learning, including lectures, small group discussion, and roleplaying. In patient care, follow-up is essential to determine whether or not the patient has achieved the desired outcome. The same is true in teaching; the only way you can know whether or not the student achieved the objectives is to follow-up through evaluation. Developing a systematic process for all learning activities will allow you to focus time and effort on the best solution to meet the goals and objectives of the experience. It may also help achieve buy-in from other people affected by the instruction or curriculum if you are developing a formal course or rotation. The adage, "Changing a (college) curriculum is like moving a graveyard-you never know how many friends the dead have until you try to move them," has been attributed to both Calvin Coolidge and Woodrow Wilson. A systematic approach to organizing educational experiences can lend credibility to the process and to its outcomes, no matter whether a single lecture or a formal course. A systematic approach also can help make a work scholarly and can lead to continued refinement of the experience. A goal is a general statement of the overall purpose of the educational experience. I say this because I want you to know that if you see something worthwhile in what I am doing, it is not by accident but because of real direction and purpose. Goals define the purpose of the experience and provide a global perspective of what the student should learn. All subsequent objectives, teaching methods, and evaluation strategies are directed toward achieving the stated goals. A needs assessment is the systematic process of gathering this information from a variety of sources and using it to determine what instructional solutions will close the gap between what learners currently know or do and what you would like them to know or do. Once the gap has been identified, some teachers assume that implementing a lecture will solve the problem.

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  • Shortness of breath with activity and when laying flat
  • Fluids through a vein (by IV)
  • Chlamydia
  • Blood cultures to check for infection
  • Chest tube placement
  • Absent or low urine production, less than 400 cc/day
  • Decreased urine output