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By: F. Giacomo, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Co-Director, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences

Other names were proposed but it was Uranus which immediately caught on and for reasons scientific and allergy testing za purchase cheap zyrtec line, no doubt allergy testing yarmouth ns buy cheap zyrtec 5mg on-line, occult became the name by which the world knows it allergy symptoms from pollen purchase cheapest zyrtec. Whatever the forces working to bring about this appellation might have been allergy medicine for cats buy zyrtec online pills, Uranus possesses several remarkable characteristics of great interest when correlated with the symbolism associated with Varuna-Ouranos and the whale. Recently twentieth-century man was afforded a close-up glimpse of the Blue Giant, with its retrograde motion and its mysterious coal-black rings. It is believed that the unusual motion and position of Uranus, as well as the presence of its many retrograde satellites, are due to a terrific "war" or explosion which not only ripped away great chunks of the planet but tipped it over and set it off in its peculiarly renegade pattern. Uranus, unlike Mercury, Venus, Jupiter or Saturn, is not in direct astral and psychic communication with mankind on this globe. According to arcane traditions, it is a guardian of another (unseen) septenary chain of globes within our system. It does not depend upon the physical sun like the other planets, receiving so little of its light and hearkening to a different axis of influence. Like the whale on earth serving as the vehicle on the physical plane for the Host known as Varuna-Ouranos, so too Uranus acts as a witness and vahan in our solar system for an unseen ancestral Host. Covered with a deep electrically charged ocean which is heavily laced with sal ammoniac, it represents an environment not only symbolic of the waters of chaos, but chemically suited to act as a solvent, a dissolving sublimate capable of releasing the "soul" or quicksilver of substances. As the medieval alchemists knew, sal ammoniac dissolves the existing order of things, not to merely "devour" them or render them chaotic but to release a more refined and essential Truth. So fire with water to compare, the ocean serves on high, Up-spouted by the whale in air, To express unwieldy joy. William Cowper Taking in gigantic draughts of the ocean and letting them out again, the whale plows its way along the sea lanes, participating on an unmatched scale in the business of alchemizing lower forms of life. Like Jonah passing three days within its belly, the triple stomach of the whale processes its food and converts it into a larger and more mysterious pattern. There is no way of knowing now how the complex ecosystem of the entire globe would be affected if whales were to disappear from its oceans. Nor is there any way we could anticipate how their absence would affect the spiritual and magnetic climate of life here. Their intelligence would indeed seem to come from afar, and man will be able to understand something about it only when he begins to be prompted by deeper vibrations within his own spiritual memory. In contemplating the life and history and all the rich symbolism associated with the whale, one moves closer to releasing such memories. The whale embodies the powers of regeneration immanent in the cosmic waters and floating unborn in the chaos of our minds. If we sense in its existence the wondrous network that binds us to the intelligence of the One Law, the wholeness of manifest life, its sojourn in this world will not have been in vain. Into the jaws of that meditation, Jonah, motivated by the fearless desire to save his fellows, entered to spend the required period before resurrection. In the fabled belly of the beast the new spiritual life is born, not to those who, like Ahab, mistake the necessary dissolution for evil and take it on as a foe, but to the patient watcher on the bow, the silent one who is willing to devour every form that ignorance takes within himself, whilst ever preserving and witnessing the Divine Immutable Law of Truth. A mariner on the bow one night Looked up to see the stars, He glimpsed a line of golden light Bound earthward from afar. The Light dispersed upon the waves, It marked a phosphor trail, And where it led he strained his gaze To see a breaching whale. Heaven on Earth; for blissful Paradise Of God the garden was, by him in the east Of Eden planted. Paradise Lost, John Milton East of the plains of California lettuce farmers or of ancient Eridu: where indeed is this Eden Did their fallen state echo with a poignant cry for innocence, passed down five thousand years Or was there then and equally now a place of unsullied purity wherein the waters of truth and love flow unfettered and the lion lies down with the lamb But many too have launched their vessel to seek the Blessed Isle or sight the shores of Arcady. Some have risked all in pursuit of Shangri-La hidden within pinnacled shrouds, whilst others have died along forgotten Gobi tracks, lost with the sands of their shifting vision, swallowed in the thirst of their dreams. Has it ever transferred its bliss to a jewelled garden hovering in the world just beyond its reach

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